Nana Afoh-Manin, M.D., Joanne Moreau, M.D., and Briana DeCuir, M.D. are ER (emergency room) doctors who joined forces to make sure people in underserved communities have access to needed resources amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
They are launching a free telehealth app and online portal called myCovidMD® and myCovid19.live, respectively, that together safely connect individuals to resources in real time, by real people. The platform is staffed by volunteers equipped to help people who are uninsured or underinsured, homeless, or displaced from a medical home as a result of the nationwide quarantine currently in place. This volunteer task force, called Community Health Partners (CHPs), is comprised of doctors, nurses, physician assistants, certified nursing assistants, emergency medical technicians, therapists, social workers, nutrition coaches and other trained health providers.
According to their website, covidmd.org, they offer a range of services including online video Covid-19 assessments; virtual consultations with emergency medicine-trained doctors, mental health counselors or wellness providers; home wellness visits; pop-up drive-through testing centers in empty parking lots and shopping centers; live community webinars, and more.
They also offer assistance to health providers and volunteers who put themselves at risk to serve on the frontlines. Services include food and errand delivery service for busy health providers who need the extra support during shifts, a flower delivery service, virtual meditation and decompression webinars, and more.
These amazing women have a history of solving tough problems. They are the founders of Shared Harvest Fund, a not-for-profit fintech program to fight the negative physical and mental consequences of excessive student loan debt. Hats off to these and the many women who take the initiative to find solutions to the problems they see around them! They are true inspirations.