Are you reading this blog on a computer, tablet, or phone? Do you know how many tests that electronic device had to go through before you could use it? Today, our special guest is in charge of designing and testing the chips that go into these devices to make sure they work correctly before they are sold!
Teresa McLaurin is a Fellow and Senior Director of Design for Test (DFT) Architecture at Arm. She is an expert in DFT Engineering and even co-wrote a book about her work. Teresa works for Arm, the leading technology provider of processor IP networking software. Its technology powers over 90% of mobile phones! Teresa’s team works on the chips that go into devices, like cell phones, computers, printers, and even cars!
The world needs more strong, wise, innovative women like Teresa in STEAM fields. After building a computer from a kit and seeing that it worked, Teresa discovered her interest in engineering and pursued that passion. If you are interested in learning more about engineering or leadership like Teresa’s roles, then this interview is for you! Team GLAM and Teresa hope that this interview inspires you to explore STEAM fields to find your passion!
More about Teresa McLaurin
Teresa McLaurin grew up in Arizona with eight other siblings. She worked hard in school and graduated high school in just three years! At age 16, Teresa began university to study languages. After building her first computer, she quickly changed her major to engineering. Teresa has worked for Arm, a leading global tech company, for over 20 years.
More about Charli
Charli is a multi-year GLAM event alumni. She is an ambitious 8th grader who LOVES to write and aspires to be an author. Charli spends her free time with her friends. She enjoys the beach, art, reading, and music. Charli loves being active. She has taken Classical Ballet since she was three years old. Recently, she started playing volleyball and lacrosse.
Watch the interview
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